Jameel Kariem

Jameel is a pharmacist registered with the SAPC (P06191) and has 30 years’ experience in several sectors of pharmacy. He qualified at UCT in 1989 with a BPharm degree and has experience in the following sectors: community pharmacy, government hospital, private hospital, manufacturing, clinical drug trials, medical centre administration.

He is currently working as a responsible pharmacist and tutor and is the owner ofRondebosch East Pharmacy. The pharmacy is situated in the Willowmead Medical Centre, Rondebosch East, Cape Town. The pharmacy qualified for and was instrumental in providing Covid-19 vaccinations to the general public during the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 to 2022. His experience in community pharmacy and exposure to the functioning of a multi-disciplinary medical Centre, has given him a firm understanding of the medical environment, and service provider industries.

He is a member of FIP, and currently serves on the FIP global Policy committee on Point of Care Testing, as a contributor.

He holds Certification in the following: 1. PIMART (SAHCS) 2. GCP 3. Administration of immunizations & injections incorp ADR, cold chain management & EPI vaccines 4. Lumira-Dx Point of Care testing protocols.

He is vice-chairman of the Western Cape (CWP) branch of the PSSA, and chairperson of the CWP Association of Community Pharmacists (SAACP). He also represents the CWP branch on the National Executive committee of the SAACP and serves on the National Executive Committee of the SAACP. He is a member the Independent Community Pharmacy Association (ICPA) and currently serves on the Western Cape Committee as secretary.