To all sponsors, exhibitors, visitors and contractors involved with our events. Our key aim is to make certain that our events are COVID secure, safe and risk free for any form of participation. As such we have set up our Safe 7 Directive which will be continually reviewed and considered as COVID restrictions change in-line with Government guidelines. Below display’s all of the expected levels of requirement we will impose if nothing changes from now until the event in March 2024. It is important to note, that whilst the continual pandemic is darkening our doors at whatever level, we will implement the Safe 7 Directive as part of our event strategy. With our events series in South Africa catering for specific healthcare sectors and key workers who are all directly involved in fight against Sars-CoV-2, our position is clear, that we must execute our events to ensure the protection of all who are involved.
** Please note this is subject to change as the situation and government advise develops so please ensure you take note of changes announced on the show websites and in our email
Anyone working on the build-up or breakdown of an event will be asked to pre-register before arriving onsite to declare they are fit and healthy to work.
Face coverings are mandatory in line with government guidelines and must always be worn.
Temperature check will be a condition of entry. Any person displaying a high temperature will not be granted access to the venue.
Exhibitor and contractor scheduling will be strict to minimise the amount of people in the halls at any one time to create a safe working environment.
Exhibitor passes will be issued in advance to minimise queuing and contact. All stand holders will need to provide names in advance for personalised badges.
Safety notices will be highly visible throughout the venue.
Social distancing will be managed in line with the latest government advice. This will be based upon Government social distancing guidance.
Potential social distancing required by Government:
2m* = 4.9sqm per person (Currently working towards 2m social distancing.)
1.5m = 2.25sqm per person
1m = 1.5sqm per person
A new crowd management protocol will be put in place to ensure all areas of the venue are safe, in line with the latest government guidance.
Specialist social distance marshals will assist with the management of visitor flow.
Temperature check will be a condition of visitor entry. Any person displaying a high temperature (and potentially the party they are with) will not be granted access to the venue.
Staggered visitor admission will enable evenly spread attendance, minimising queuing to provide a safer and more seamless experience.
Track and Trace: contact details will be kept securely for 30 days to support contact tracing in line with government and local authority guidance.
Managed exhibitor numbers to optimise exhibitor to visitor ratio.
Clear signage and controlled visitor traffic will help everyone keep a safe distance.
Wider aisles to enable social distance and to enhance the visitor experience.
Multiple entrances will enable management of social distancing and queues as well as a steady flow of visitors entering the show.
A deep clean fogging will be undertaken prior to commencing build up.
Enhanced overnight cleaning: the venue will be fully cleaned regularly and electrostatic equipment (fogging) will be used to enhance the overnight cleaning regime of enclosed spaces.
An enhanced cleaning regime during show open periods, with extra attention given to high-frequency touch points such as toilets, door handles and hand-rails.
Food and beverage retail services will be provided in line with the latest government guidance.
Hand sanitisers will be provided throughout the Show.
Hygiene reminders to regularly wash hands, not exchange business cards and refrain from personal greetings (a handshake or a hug) will be in place throughout the venue.
Face coverings are mandatory, in line with government guidance and should be supplied by the attendee.
Safer Payments: contactless payments will be encouraged throughout via card or phone, with an email receipt wherever possible.
Show website, social media and emails will supply exhibitors and visitors with the most up to date information regarding guidelines in place at the show.
Exhibitor manuals will include specific details of what our exhibitors need to execute for the enhanced safety and hygiene measures.
Event signage will be displayed prominently regarding recommended guidelines e.g. Social distancing and personal hygiene.
Public address during the show regarding physical distance and the importance of handwashing and sanitising hands. You can download the Covid Safe Directive below but please note this is subject to change as the situation and government advise develops so please ensure you take note of changes announced in our emails.